Opolski Klaster Informatyczny

Opolskie Stowarzyszenie Gospodarczo-Społeczne w Opolu

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Netkoncept.com company was founded in 2001. The initial activity is mainly designing, implementing and maintaining websites. Currently we specialize in building and implementing unique database systems, systems, eCommerce, eGovernment, and content management systems web pages. For this purpose we use mostly cloud computing model. We continued cooperation with one of the largest providers of telecommunications services - GTS Poland, which provides us with a modern, professional and secure server platform located in the Internet data center. Trusted us more than 300 public institutions and business representatives.

Create a creative team of professionals with higher education and economic information and many years of experience in Internet services and software, which provides the highest quality products and services.

Our offer (key products and services):

    * Sky.cms - websites built based on the content management system (CMS).
    * Online Stores (eCommerce).
    * Public Information Bulletin - Publishing System Public Information (BIP).
    * Dedicated tools B2B, B2C - Internet price lists, along with tools for automatic design specifications.
    * Systems to operate employment agencies.
    * Systems to support loyalty programs.
    * Systems to support affiliate programs.
    * Time recording systems that use biometric readers or magnetic cards.
    * Tourist information systems.
    * Multimedia presentations on web sites and CD / DVD / flash drive.
    * Interactive: tourism, investment areas and the town plans on the website, infokiosks and CD / DVD / flash drive.
    * Infomats (infokiosks) - multimedia information kiosks.
    * Internet camera with dedicated software scenic presentation.
    * Cameras and installations for the transmission of the city council meeting or session of the municipal council and archiving
    * And share your recordings on the website of the office.
    * Internet surveillance cameras, monitoring systems.
    * The system of electronic circulation of correspondence.
    * Dedicated websites.
    * Web applications - built to order, according to customer needs, web (intranet) and the software operating under Windows.

Contact details

ul. Partyzancka 5a
45-801 Opole
Tel.: +48 77 545 30 60
Faks: +48 77 545 30 68


Państwowa Medyczna Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Opolu

Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole is the one and only professional medical high school in Poland. It’s also the only medical school in the Opolskie voivodeship. The School was enstablished in the 1st of May, 2003. It provides education for the medical staff with the newest standards, which are adequate to the Europenian Union requirements. PHMPS allows students to learn in the stationary and extramural system. The specializations are: Nursing, Obstetrics, Physiotherapy, Cosmetology and Public Health. The Students of PHMPS, in addition to the specific subjects, learn foreign languages (English or German) and computer science. This allows them to best fulfill the requirements of the future employers, same in Poland and in foreign countries. The practical part of the studies takes place in the best of the Opolskie voivodeship hospitals, under the supervision of skilled and highly qualified medical staff. The School puts emphasis on the practical skills of the students, while not forgetting about the theoretical basics. We also want to teach our students the habit of continuously learning. The School allows the comprehensive development of our students. They can join additional scientific or sports class. PMHPS organizes many conferences and scientific symposiums. The students, in addition to the possibility of public speech, have the occasion to meet foreign lecturers. Public Medical Higher Professional School is in close cooperation with the Opole University and the Wroclaw Medical University.

Contact details

Państwowa Medyczna Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Opolu

ul. Katowicka

68 45-060 Opole,

tel. 77 44 10 882

Agencja Informatyczna Sprinter

SPRINTER IT Agency is a company with an established position in the professional technical activity. It offers comprehensive services for IT solutions for enterprises and institutions - from the diagnosis of customer needs and design through implementation, to the supervision and care service.

The company specializes in the creation of a dedicated computer and information systems, use of modern information technology for business and industry. Sprinter provides complex solutions in the form: ERP systems integrate business operations at all levels and areas of management, systems B2B (B2B sphere) to ensure integration of the partner systems, sales systems (including mobile), finance and accounting, personnel and payroll, managing the process production support customer relationships (CRM) and service Order management (Editorial assistance).

The company's offer complementary solutions to the fiscal system, server and peripheral equipment installation and other infrastructure. SPRINTER designs and do data communication networks, websites, online shops, personalized Web applications, provides secure hosting services and integration services and extending the functionality of computer systems.

For 10 years, a team of experts creates advanced computing systems, acquisition, processing and presentation of data and video systems for image analysis (Imaging Systems) industry. SPRINTER has extensive experience in industrial research and development work related to the theme of the energy market, renewable energy - especially in the field of wind energy.

Contact details

Agencja Informatyczna Sprinter
ul. Budowlanych 64
45-123 OPOLE
tel./fax 77 453 97 87
tel./fax 77 441 94 44
tel.kom. 602 32 57 77


Imagination Studio Sp. z o.o.

Imagination Studio is an interactive agency offering comprehensive services in building the image, sales and marketing support for modern interactive media.

Imagination Studio is a group of professionals and enthusiasts for many years operating in the wider marketing and Internet technologies. We use our common-depth knowledge and joy of creation. We react flexibly to changing customer expectations.

The beginnings of our business in the market and the creation of web technology dates back to 1998. Initially as a partnership, and since January 2003 as a limited liability company, we support our clients in business activities.

Contact details

Imagination Studio Sp. z o.o.
45-324 Opole, ul. Łowicka 1
telefon: +48 77 455 28 43
mobile: +48 602 429 905


Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna, Federacja Stowarzyszeń Naukowo- Technicznych Rada w Opolu

Contact details

NOT Opole

ul. Katowicka 50
45-061 OPOLE
tel. 77 4537187    

Zakład Usług Informatycznych inFra

Zakład Usług Informatycznych inFra was established in 1988. From now works as a producer of management software organizational units (offices), as well as a supplier of computer equipment.
Our company has created and continues to develop an integrated information system that supports the company in a comprehensive manner.

We have extensive experience and the potential to:
- Advice relating to IT
- Installation of information systems and adapt them to specific user needs
- Implementation of IT systems
- Supervision of the implemented systems

Contact details

Zakład Usług Informatycznych INFRA Sp. z o.o.
45-315 OPOLE, ul Głogowska 35
tel. (077) 454-24-65
fax (077) 454-24-66


HSI Sp. z o.o.

 HSI (Hardware Software Integrator) is a company with traditions reaching 1989. With our services and our hardware uses a significant portion of enterprises and institutions in our region. On our computers, they learn to future engineers and masters of Opole University of Technology and Opole University.

Trademark Computer Center can also be found in the computer labs in schools in Opole region and small, medium and large companies, especially in the homes of several thousand individuals. We are also very heavily in the SOHO (Small and Medium Business) - complex servicing our clients and providing them with a range of products and services. The complexity of our offer is to integrate all the necessary elements of IT: hardware, software, implementation, care, maintenance, supplies and products and services carefully selected under the requirements of the customer. Such a "tailor made" cooperation is the reason for the great satisfaction of our existing customers and can provide positive references.

Over 22 years of activity have we managed to also build an efficient and effective programming department and sections of ERP systems implementation. Developers create new and integrate existing systems of our customers. We have developed a number of systems supporting the work of companies and offices (BIP system, operating system service, furniture manufacturing support system, workflow system, holiday cards, etc.) in a quick and inexpensive way to create systems, web portals, corporate parties and public information bulletins. Department of ERP systems involved in business support and software implementations to support the work of sales department, production, personnel and accounting. We facilitate and organize the processes taking place in companies introducing ergonomic operations and reduce costs.

Cross-section of business:

First Sales of computer equipment - PCs, notebooks, peripherals, accessories - consumables (toners, inks, etc.)

Second Hardware service

    * Repair and maintenance of the local site
    * The intervention group
    * Outsourcing of IT services to companies and offices

Third Systems and Web Site

    * Creations pages and web portals
    * The creation of systems supporting the work of companies
    * Creation of Public Information Bulletin
    * Hosting, email and databases in two modern server rooms

4th Business management systems to ERP

    * Implementation of ERP software
    * Implementation of the Optima Comarch Comarch XL, RAKS SQL, Enova
    * Design and implementation of B2B gemekis.pl

Contact details

HSI Sp. z o.o.

ul. Katowicka 50
45-061 Opole
NIP: 754-033-48-43

(077) 442 71 71 - księgowość / rozliczenia
(077) 442 71 67 - księgowość / rozliczenia

fax. : (077) 4427162


Politechnika Opolska

Opole University of Technology

Dr. Eng. Marcin Kamiński
Department of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Informatics
Institute of Electromechanical Systems and Industrial Electronics
Department of Robotics and Information Technology
st. Luboszycka 7, 45-036 Opole
+48 77 453 84 47-49 133, phone / fax: +48 77 453 64 39

Contact details

ATABAJT Roik, Słowik, Mazurkiewicz spółka jawna

"ATABAJT" company is leading supplier in the region of computer equipment
and IT services.
Experience gained throughout twenty years of activity allows to offer
comprehensive solutions
for business customers and for end users.
High competences of our staff providing expertise as well as professional
tools and diagnostic
workplaces allow for effective computer equipment repairs.

Contact details

"Atabajt" Roik, Słowik, Mazurkiewicz spółka jawna

ul. Kośnego 50
45-372 Opole

tel.: 077 454 33 93 ; 077 453 15 38;
tel./fax: 077 454 33 93; 077 402 17 86


BinarTech Sp. J. Aksamit

In BinarTech we create products in the wider mobile technology. We build such applications on the iPhone / iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian, BlackBerry and J2ME.

Contact details

BinarTech Sp. J. Aksamit
ul. Kowalska 1
45-588 Opole


ZAP Soft

ZAP SOFT has many years of experience in implementing complex industrial automation systems, measurement systems and associated IT-services. Production and assembly of electronics subsystems for industrial automation, providing and developing the necessary software (software for communication, virtualisation, visualisation and control/SCADA) and specialized modules for data analysis developed in our research department are designed and produced by ZAP SOFT.

Our products, software and services are dedicated mainly to institutional and private investors interested in monitoring and control systems: water supply stations, wastewater pumping stations, wind turbines, wind farms and other industrial sectors. The company also has its own research department which prepares innovative technical solutions and algorithms for our own products, projects and commissioned work. ZAP SOFT offers comprehensive services in: supply, design, installation, commissioning, monitoring, visualization and modernization of automation systems. The offered services are provided basing on the extensive experience in prototyping, production, modernization, implementation and operation support of monitoring systems for industrial processes. ZAP SOFT, as the designer and the manufacturer at the same time, guarantees the highest quality and safety of products and services.    

Contact details

ZAP Soft

ul.Lipowa 7
46-060 Folwark
tel. (+48) 602 558 205
fax.(+48) 77 457 25 39


Szpital Wojewódzki w Opolu

Contact details

Szpital Wojewódzki w Opolu

ul Kośnego 53

tel. (77)4433100, fax. (77)4433110



BlueSoft S.J.

We started activitie in 1993. We specialize in the design and construction: structured cabling systems, telecommunication networks and the supply of computer hardware, telecommunications solutions.

Also implement systems: access control, CCTV, fire protection systems and integrate them into BMS systems.

We also distribute computer software and construction of the leading manufacturers of computer software copyright, dedicated to individual customer needs.

We provide hosting services and warranty and post warranty hardware.

Contact details

BlueSoft Łukasz Matura, Grzegorz Rutkowski, Jerzy Spólnicki S.J.
45-310 Opole, ul. Ozimska 182
Telefon: (077) 4418100
Fax: (077) 4418103


The project is financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund